Tuesday, July 20, 2010

PA Vent Camp

Since being in Millville, PA, I have been back in State College for 2 and a half weeks now, but I still long to be back in that secluded piece of the world that I think so fondly of nearly every day. PA Vent Camp has been a part of my life since my amazing parents founded it in 1994, and I truly cannot imagine my life without it. Every morning at camp when I wake up and ride trusty old Brittany the Bike (whom I rode all week this year with a flattened back tire!) up to the cafeteria, I make a point to look out across the field at the mountain that Camp Victory sits under. It truly is a beautiful scene to look upon, and I thank God for allowing us all to be there together, if only for a few days.
Kids who depend on ventilators to help them breathe are able to come to camp and for 5 days participate in activities that they may only have access to during that week.

They can fly along on the zip line, or scale a rock wall.

They meet new friends (some, much furrier than they expected!)

And reunite with old friends.

Clearly, the BFFs are looking as good as ever!
This week is the time that these kids can throw away everything and just act like kids!

(The adults can, too!)

Each year we remember the lives of the beautiful children who changed our lives while they were with us.

And we pray that next year we will all return to see each other again, and that I get a date to the dance, and it's not my underwear hanging from the flagpole!

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